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Decorating your Christmas Tree 101

Christmas tree decorating

Decorating your Christmas Tree 101

Flipping through magazines and swiping social media at this time of year brings images of beautifully decorated homes and Christmas Trees. I love decorating our tree and have managed to pass that passion on to my youngest boy. I am a bit ‘precious’ about how our tree is decorated but I am learning to ‘let go’ by teaching my son how to do it –yes I’m a Type A personality! In this journal I will share my tips with you too. But remember, have fun and don’t try to be perfect –perfection doesn’t exist!

Your Tree

Real or artificial? It doesn’t matter. People usually follow a family tradition, so you choose what is right for you.

Aim to choose a traditional shape cone-shaped tree –wider at the bottom, tapered at the top. If you have an artificial tree, take the time to shape or ‘fluff’ your tree by splaying each small branch out from its thicker stem branch. This creates a fuller tree and hides the main trunk.There are guides on how to do this if you search ‘Shaping your Christmas Tree’ online.

The Lights

Oh my goodness. In my opinion, this is THE most important step in the entire process!

For a classic tree that glows, choose a string (s) of warm white bud lights. I prefer a constant glow, so I set them to stay permanently lit –no flashing or fading. A rule of thumb’ is to have 400 lights per 1 metre of tree –yes, lots of lights!

Plug the lights in to make sure all bulbs work. Start with a bud light at the tip of the top branch and gradually wind your way down your tree, intertwining your string of lights above and below each branch. Push some to the back of the branch too. A wave fills the areas between lines and adds to the ‘glowing’ effect of the lights on your tree

Christmas Tree - Lights Only
Decorating your Christmas Tree

A dead zone of lights occurs when you connect one string of lights to another: Hide the unsightly green plug by pushing it deep into the branches.If your lights aren’t hanging exactly where you want them, wrap a little floral wire around the cord and branch to hold it in place. Bend the loose ends of the wire towards the back of the tree to prevent any injuries. Hide the base of your tree with a piece of fabric, a tree skirt or a wicker basket.

The Decorations

To theme or not to theme, that is a question!

Again, it doesn’t matter. But if you’re looking for ideas, consider theming by colour (this is what I do,) or theme by topic such as traditional, toys, dolls, flowers.

Themed Tree - Red
Decorating your Christmas Tree

The key here is to decorate using different sizes of ornaments. Put the biggest on the bottom branches, medium sized in the middle and the smallest near the top. If you’ve ever wondered why baubles come in different sizes, it isn’t just to fit different sized trees!

Most of us have decorations that our children or grandchildren have made for the tree. I have chosen a few and put them on my tree, in pride of place where they can be seen. You could also have a second tree just for the children. Let them decorate it and Santa can leave some presents under it!

Themed Tree - Harrods

Your ‘Piècede Resistance’

Otherwise known as your Tree Topper. An angel is commonly placed at the top of a tree but it can be anything you choose. A star, a cluster of berries with a ribbon, a cluster of flowers or nothing until Christmas Eve when ‘The Elf on the Shelf’ becomes ‘The Elf on the Tree!’

Make your tree topper special and make the placing of it special too. Get your family together(in person or on Zoom,)‘toast’ to absent friends and family and make your tree topper meaningful in more ways than one.

Not Enough Space for a Tree?

Do you live in a tiny home or apartment? Is a wall the only space you have to decorate? That’s not a problem. There are many other ways you can bring seasonal décor to a small space.

You can set up a mini tree on a side table or decorate a wall. Create a tree shape with a string of bud lights or graduated rows of driftwood. Add some small decorations and your cosy space will feel seasonal and ready for entertaining!

Christmas tree decorating