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Behind the scenes at Candle Co

Hueseeka Candles

Behind the scenes at Candle Co

We have recently become a new stockist of a stunning selection of candles in different colours shapes and sizes from Candle Co. We love that the candles are handmade, natural and fairtrade. Have a read of our Q & A with the Director / Founder of Candle Co – Sean McCormick.

Hueseeka Candles
Hueseeka Candle Holders
Hueseeka Candles

How did Candle Co come to be?

My wife is an interior designer and has always had a creative eye and special touch at creating the most beautiful spaces. After owning our own retail stores, we fell in love with candles and their powerful ability to transform a space. We decided to jump at the opportunity to purchase this company, previously known by a different name, that sold primarily furniture along with a few candle options. We saw a real opportunity to take the business in a new direction focusing on candles and growing our unique competitive advantage providing 44+ candle colour options to events. After seeing great success in the events market, we’ve more recently expanded into the home décor market.

What is Candle Co all about?

Our mission is…

Creating spaces for beautiful moments and lasting memories.

Whether it’s your special event or home decor, we understand the importance of self-expression and unique styling for inspiring happiness.

At CANDLE CO. we believe life is beautiful. And we’re confident in the powerful ability of colour, shapes and fragrances to transform your space.

The ultimate colour and fragrance house to help bring your space to life.

What's the importance of your candles being fair trade, eco friendly and handmade?

It’s very important to us to bring high-quality products to our customers while paying a fair price to our suppliers who look after their staff and minimising our ecological footprint

Hueseeka Candles
Hueseeka Candles

What inspires the shapes, colours and scents of your products?

Our customers and our team. We’re constantly looking for customer feedback and exploring new options of exciting products we can bring to the market.

What systems do you have in place to keep track of such a wide product range?

If there is a tool to make our life easier, we will use it. We use a variety of programs and internal processes to maximise efficiency and quality control; however, we also prioritise ensuring we have the best team of people in place. I’m lucky to have such an awesome team of people who are customer focused and passionate about the business.

Are there any new products in the pipeline?

Always! Including new colours, new candle shapes, new candle fragrances, new candle holders and new decor pieces. You’ll have to stay tuned to see!

Hueseeka Candle Holders
Hueseeka Candles
Hueseeka Candles

What's been one of Candle Co's highlights in business so far?

Every step forward is a highlight. Our first full container, hiring our first full time staff member, introducing 44 candle colours, launching our Scented Soy range and our rebrand to CANDLE CO. I’m excited about where we’re heading, and it’s been great to see such positive feedback from our recent rebrand and new product launches.

What makes a house feel like home to you?

My beautiful wife and my 2 cheeky monkey kids… and of course a few candles filling the air with beautiful fragrances and relaxing candlelit ambiance.