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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Journal

Spring cleaning – living with less

It’s Spring so let’s get Spring cleaning!

Let’s remove any unnecessary décor items, art and surface items that don’t serve a purpose around your home. Only keep the items that make you feel happy and that reflect your overall design style.

Next, start clearing out items hidden away. Kitchen storage, clutter cupboards or a room / area that tends to gather clutter in your home. This may seem like a huge job at first but I assure you that if you set goals to do one cupboard or space each week, you will have your home clutter free in no time!

Now let’s tackle your wardrobe. Try define your staple items / classic pieces that are quality and go with any outfit. Set these aside to keep. Go through your other items and determine if you wear each item regularly enough to keep it ,or if you have anything that you can wear it with. Opt for good quality clothing which has been made to last. Believe me, a minimal wardrobe full of good quality clothing will feel a lot less overwhelming than a wardrobe with an excessive number of cheap items that don’t last. It could be worth figuring out what colours suit you best to determine what you keep.

Set aside all your unwanted items and have a garage sale or take your items to your local op shop. You will feel better when these are out of your sight and out of your mind.

Spring Cleaning Journal
Spring Cleaning Journal
Spring Cleaning Journal

The benefits of living in a clutter free home:

  • Save money by becoming more vigilant with your spending – only buy what is necessary.
  • Less stress as your space will function better – being able to move freely around and enjoying your home is a huge weight off your shoulders.
  • Your space will look tidier and it will be significantly easier to clean – less things to accumulate dust.
  • Good for the environment – Less consumption = less damage to the environment.
  • Your home will become more appealing and will feel calm for you and your guests.

You will be overall happier. The more things you own, the more your things own you.

Spring Cleaning Journal
Spring Cleaning Journal