The Flexibility of Modular Sofas
Individual sofas are the most common arrangement of living room furniture. Add some armchairs, some side tables and you have the ‘sitting room’ of 95% of furnished homes since time immemorial.
Our living rooms are one side of the ‘heart of the home,’ with the kitchen being the other half. Open plan is the most popular layout for today’s homes. This leaves a large space to furnish and make cosy.
We are fans of both individual sofas and modular, but I thought it was time we explored the benefits of modular sofas.

Modular vs Chaise
There is often confusion about the difference between a modular sofa and a sofa with a chaise. A modular sofa is made up of multiple pieces that can be put together in multiple combinations to fit your space.

You can split them into a separate sofa and armless chairs or insert an ottoman in the middle to break up the block sections.

A chaise sofa comprises just two pieces forming an L-shape. This will be a sofa with an arm at one end, and a chaise that attaches to the other end of the sofa. When choosing a chaise sofa, you will notice the terms ‘left hand facing’ (LHF) or ‘right hand facing’ (RHF) are used. These relate to whether you want your chaise to be on the left-hand or the right-hand side of the sofa when you are facing it. Your decision will be determined by the layout of your room – the location of windows, doors, your TV and/or your fireplace will all affect where you can fit your L-shaped chaise sofa. The image below is a RHF chaise sofa.

The Best Sofa Layout for Your Room
Placement of any sofa is determined by the location of windows, doors, fireplaces and any other features in your living room. But don’t despair, you have many options!
You can create multiple combinations with a modular sofa, but you can also have a chaise if you prefer. Don’t be afraid to move your sofa away from your walls or windows, towards the centre of your room as we did in the image above. This allows multiple walkways around the room. Also, if your room requires you to see the back of your sofa as you walk in, consider putting a console, low shelving unit or bench behind it. You can use it for storage or extra seating when you have guests.

If you’re still not sure what sofa best suits your room, give us a call or drop into our showroom. We have a few options available for you to see, and we are here to help!